Plant Description

Oxypetalum coeruleum

Oxypetalum coeruleum

This is a cute little plant (syn. Tweedia coerulea) that is regarded either as a straggling subshrub or a scandent creeper that needs support to climb. My plant just used to flop untidily everywhere but now I have corralled it upright within a metal obelisk, and it looks a lot better. Oxypetalum coeruleum hails from Brazil and Uruguay. It has amazingly clear blue, star-shaped flowers that are quite long lasting; they appear in summer and early autumn, amidst heart-shaped, grey-green, velvety leaves.

Long, curved seedpods develop after the blooms fade, filled with downy-tufted seeds. Oxypetalum flourishes in a well-drained, sunny position. It is best grown from seed. It is marginally frost hardy. It doesn't seem to like intense humidity but has survived a few years so far in my garden.

Oxypetalum flowers can be cut for vases. Place in a container of water to allow the milky sap from the stems to disperse, before adding to your floral arrangement.


Oxypetalum coeruleum
Suitable for Cut Flowers.
Flowers from January to April.
Plant Family: Apocynaceae
